6. Stuffed animals everywhere!
This is where we implore kids to grow up and do away with childish things, because nothing says immature and disturbed quite like seeing Elmo being dragged down the interstate by his neck.Mostly small cars or small suvs have it, mainly because they are driven by female drivers (I know it's 2016, I'm not trying to offend someone).
Supposedly the Japanese started this fad, and have for the most part abandoned it, but American like to hold on to this playful notion. There is nothing beneficial about this mod (if you can even call it that), and the only meaningful response I have ever seen from someone regarding it was a 3-year old who broke down in tears because someone in a Miata had run-over Ernie.
7. Ridiculous car wraps
Vinyl wrapping saves time and money and good news - replacing a damaged pieces is much cheaper than fixing the paint.Vinyl wrapping saves time and money and good news - replacing a damaged pieces is much cheaper than fixing the paint. This probably because the people who use sports cars for competitive purposes needed a quick and cheap paint repair. But leave it in the hands of the aftermarket community and just pay attention to how a great idea get in no time transformed into something outrageous. Even though the ‘flat’ and ‘matte’ colors still appear to be exaggerated, what really bother us are the leopard print wraps and florescent lollypop colors that can make your eyes hurt.
8. Truck nuts !
Nothing says “I am a man” more than a pair of massive nadgers dangling from the back of your four by four! It’s a modification that’s not only pointless, but also dangerous.You hear that? Your balls are a threat, amigo. The kitsch cojones can easily break free from any car, and only imagine how much damage those metals pieces could cause to the vehicles that are driving behind.
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